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Happy International Beer Day 2020



International Beer Day 2020

Beer is one of the oldest drinks the world has ever known. International Beer Day gives people of age worldwide just one more excuse to get a round in on the first Friday in August every year. Beer has a reputation as the drink of choice for the ordinary working man or woman. When it’s served up cold or frothy or strong or hoppy or dark, it's a drink that is so varied that it can have it's own seasons or settings, but always has the aim of making us feel better - never needed more than now in the midst of a worldwide pandemic. Also, the sun has (today) begun to show its face in full force, and who knows how long the big baby in the sky will hang around for (early noughties kids tv reference there). The start of another weekend beckons us to put aside our work, set aside differences, and come together to celebrate our shared love of beer.

This year has been a big year for change and for craft breweries in the UK and more local to me, Brighton, to up the craft beer game with incredible flavours and amazing designs and back stories. However, the government and several large breweries (one very old one, local to me) are wanting to change the taxation threshold, meaning that micro-breweries that make a certain amount of beer per year, are going to be taxed through the roof. So support your local small brewery today and this weekend, to aid their survival, and aid your 'well-being'.

Have a drink, be safe, and have a great friday and weekend!


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