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Blog #17 Brewdog Dead Pony Club - Might not win the race, but it'll take you for a thrilling ride.

For my second Brewdog beer review and another first try for me, we have Dead Pony Club, a 3.8% session pale ale.

Don't let the alcohol strength of this equestrian named beer let you doubt it's ability to hoof it! It's kicks out a powerful hop taste.

- cute-

After an afternoon of playing around with the sites new Facebook and Instagram pages (check them out) I then decided to drag a dead pony -hah- round the golf course with me and play a round of 18, a new thing on the list of things we are now as a country allowed to do!

(I'm no good)

I grabbed this one on my way out, initially due to its low alcohol content and my need to drive to and from the course. I was pleasantly surprised with the the amount of bang you get for this beers buck!


This beer is raring to come out of the traps and while it's not going to win the grand national it's certainly one to watch!

-My second one after getting home-

If you're after a refreshing session pale ale but still kicks you in the teeth with its flavour, give this a try!

7/10 from me, par for the course.

Sorry for all the puns.



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